Monday, June 15, 2009

Behold, the colors of summer!

The "me" in me frequently gets in arguments with the "mom" in me. The "mom" (thankfully) is starting to win more and more and tell the "me" to stop being a rigid, neurotic mess and let it ride. By "it" I mean the learning through disaster, the filth, the destruction and the comedy of errors that is childhood. I cannot begin to tell you how loudly the nagging voice of my past control-freak self stated its case for hosing Ry down prior to this photo shoot and how the shot of Chloe's sweet face contorted into a super weird, never-before-seen expression was to be deleted immediately. The mom in me won out-- she said: "hey, get over yourself. These are the true moments of your life. Nobody will judge you for accidentally allowing your son to suck (with all his might) on a blueberry scented marker for upwards of 2 minutes while you were engrossed in helping Chloe and friend with an art project. I really am getting to know this person in me more and more and the old me is fading away... soon to be a forgotten memory, watching from afar, where she can't limit sponteneity or truth.

Friday, June 5, 2009

See what $40 buys you at Disneyland these days?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh what a glorious feeling!

These shots were captured mere SECONDS before the storm hit... The Macvies love a good summer storm.

Monday, June 1, 2009


SIGH-- already been confused for a boy...